
2011 Year In Review

It's been a crazy-busy year!  Apparently, I need to hire elves (and not just so I'll finally be the tallest person in the room).  Thank you everyone who has supported  me, recommended me, ordered from me and even just liked my Facebook posts.

Photo Credit: Ryan G.
4711 was my 3rd convention to attend, but my first time having a booth.  I am ever grateful to my husband for helping out because it was so much crazier than I anticipated.  I enjoyed meeting so many people I had only known online (for years!) and seeing people wearing my handiwork. I was also blown away by the Boss Award.  Because beyond making costumes I want to be able to help others make them.  I don't believe there is just one "right" way to make something, and I hope some of my solutions have helped others.  I love getting comments and feedback on other methods as well, and I especially cherish the emails I get from people who tell me my site has helped them.

Home Of Happiness
In the fall I visited The New York City cast and New Jersey's Home of Happiness cast.  I got some pretty fun photos trying out my new camera.  My favorite is Paulie (in the dinner corset I made him) clobbering Peda-Bear and the look on Shawn's face.  Peg from Long Island's Unconventional Conventionalists joined me on my trip to the Medieval Festival at the Cloisters - something I had wanted to do since high school.   A huge thank you to Dana (and Marty McFluffypants) for her hospitality and escort services (did that sound dirty??)

I also added quite a few new pieces to my repertoire, most notably including Brad's khaki jacket, Frank's dinner corset and most recently the floorshow corset.  In 2012 I'm hoping to tackle Frank's red floorshow corset, his green lab apron and Magenta's dinner sheer.  What would you like to see added?

Also in 2012 I plan to attend  the TCJ2 Con (with a booth).  I'm planning on driving this time so I can haul even more crap wonderful offerings!  I may also make it to the Last RockyCon in September.  I'm looking forward to the new year and I hope it's as awesome as 2011 has been.

See you in 2012!!!
